In history class ,we had learn lots of history around the Europe country , and to me , it was a very intresting subject . First we learned about the prehistory and then Egypt . Before having this subject , i did not know anything about Egypt , but now , i had a little knowledge about them . Understanding about their culture and how their buildings look like .
Besides that , we also studied about famous places such as the Pathenon , and pantheon . From what we learn , we understand that every country has their own culture , their god . One thing that makes me curious about is , in rome , greeks country , they uses human as their god , because they believe it is a fairness to everyone . But , in Egypt , they uses half human body with an animal face .
Besides on having some knowledge about the Greeks , Romans , Egyptian and more . We also understand that how they building in the past . Their building are so much more different from the present method of building. For example , in the past , they mixed a little of horse hair . They believe that it helps to warm the place .
In our project , we are told to do a research about some buildings in out local . So basically , these buildings are all related to some of the old historical buildings around the world . They carried the same kind of style around . We picked " Selangor Club " , which the design of the building are so much alike the building in England name " The Moreton Hall " We had made a visit to the Selangor C;ub .
Comparing Selangor Club and Moreton Hall
These pictures are taken in Selangor Club
-Press to enlarge each of the pictures.
Lastly , for the research informations , we had to compile the informations and turn them into hard and soft copy .
This portfolio file , we compile everything into one file .
To wrap up whole subject , i did learn a lot of knowledge about countries and buildings .