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Lighting Fixture

Task : We are assign and told to create a lighting piece to enhance the beauty , to make the previous designer chair shine out , stand out .

We are needed to get inspire from the chair we made , the keywords we chose . According to the keyword we chose , we are needed to create a lighting piece that has the terms we chose .

Keywords : Bent ,comfortable , lightness

Before we get into final model , we are needed to make mockups ,

step by step .

First we are needed to create the lamp first , but not the stand or even think about how it creates light . So build the base model first .

Sketch out the design you wants the lamp to be , how it look like . "Brainstorming "!!!

When it comes to brainstorming , a lot of exploration are needed , research to get inspiration .

All of this are my ideas , from the inspiration of the chair and the keywords i have .

From the ideas i have , choose few design and develop from there , mixing up the design together , or even creating a new design from the ideas i chose .

From the design , ideas i chose , i develop and creating a new piece of design.

Then from the sketches, i create a mockups to explore if it looks good or if it works . In my design of lamp , i wanted to achieve the shadow , i want to achieve how the shadow looks like .

I name my base model as "Louis Mier Lava Light " , because first i want my light to tie put a classic , e;egant feelings . I always inspire by the brand louis vitton , louis structure in paris . For he lava word , is because is the house of the baby butterfly , which keeps the baby butterfly warm , it wraps around the baby butterfly .

So in my design , i cut lots of stripes , so when the light pass through , the shadow of the cuts , the stripes will look interesting .

Stripes are cut , and different of stripes are bent towards -skeletal

Shadows that produced, when light shines on to it .

Shadows from the light can be simple , but at the same time , when you move the light in different angle , shadows are produced differently .

Light are shine from the bottom of the lamp , creating a big stripes shadow .

Besides from other shadow we saw , in this shadow , we are able to see that more lines are created , and defined lines . Light are shine from the top of the lamp .

I was pretty proud on my ideas . Why did i say so , is because that i have achieve on what i want my ideas to be . First , the shadows , shadows are produced in different shapes , different feelings .

It can gives out a simple feeling , but also a interesting feeling , which makes everyone curious about it ,

how can i make it better ?

- Those cuts , this stripe scan be neater , so it looks organise .

In this steps , i have learn that how i can create a new design from the inspiration of the chair , the keywords , and those design i create .

Well , honesty , it was giving a hard time during brainstorming session , Doing a lot of researches helps me , it guide me to create more ideas .

From the base model we made , we had to thnk about how can we hang our lamp , or even make it stand .

Theres a lot of choices in stand, in hanging .

But the method i chose was ," cantilevered ", cantilevered is something i like , i get intrested to . Well , hanging method is too mainstream . So i decoded to use cantilevered method , because cantilevered lamps gavel me a feeling of simple , minimalstic , classic , elegant feeling .

So i do hope my design will turn pout an elegant art piece .

So this is the cantilevered lamp method . I kinda like it how it hang on to the lamp , but he mouthed maybe its a great idea. Because when the light shine from the top , shadows are produced beautifully .

Well the light pass through the spaces between the cuts and stripes , and creates a define shadow . As you can see the picture below .

I spent a lot of times on my base model , i had been redo my base model few times, due to the lines and cuts are not organise ,

So i decided to redo and make my base model better .

Well , although i not that satisfied on this model , due to doe stripes are not organise . But time are getting lesser , so i had to move on to my next step .

Moving on to the next step , which is step 2 .

In this yep , we will be transforming the previous model into a new form .

Well , in this strep , it is a free and easy step , we are allow to change the form to as creative as it is . As creative as we want to be .

Changing to a new form .

This is the new form , from the previous form , i expanded it , and suppose to be a oval shape . But i split into half , and you are bale to see inside , it became the c shapes .

Lines and cuts are not accordingly , they are just randomly cuts .

Well , in my design , i was in spire by the shell . I like how shell twisted into it . So i decide to do something similar by that , and i did create this new form .

You are bale to see the little cuts and lines ,in this picture.

Well , in this design , little lines and stripes are not defines , they are more concentrated into the big stripes .

Well due to some angle , you can be able to see some little shadow of the lines . But not much on to it .

Last step before final mode , this is the only time we are allow to change our design , more exploration on to it .Times getting lesser before we had to present out models in A4 size .

Step 3 , is all about how you can make it better form all of the previous models , the works we done , arranging the form , make some little change onto the model .

I decided to make a little obvious on the shadow part ,and i decide dot make my lines organise , line accordingly . So , the effect will be neater .

In this step , ill be suing the keywords of rhythm , skeletal , and repetition .

Lines are cut nicely and in rhythm, which is measure each length before i cut them . Towards the end of the form , i wrap around with a sripes of art card , so it looks like is a [part of design , because what i saw was without the stripes , it looks pretty defend and boring . So adding a little of decorations o to it , looks much better i guess .

This is the shadow , in this picture , the shadows are more defined . Even if is a thick cuts or a thin cuts . it still shows pretty defined .

Shadow from a different angle of light shine on to it .

Well , the comment from the lecturer was pretty helpful, they told me i can do something way more creative than this deism , so basically i did another design for step 3 .

I totally change the form , it looks totally different from other form , other step .

This is the new design , it looks so different from it , and what i felt about is pretty interesting . But i was not satisfies on the workmanship, it look abit dirty and messy . It looks pretty fragile .

But the design , i was pretty liking it .

I to this inspiration from the book name site less, there a lot of different weird form we can produce . Which i pretty look into it , pretty interesting into it . The shadows are looking like this mechanic design .

Well , the lines are still in rhythm , i did not change any design or the keywords i chose previously .

During final model silent crit , my result was okay , but I'm not satisfies with the model i made ,due to is not neat and is pretty messy .

For my final model . I've been rushing and been staying up late pretty late .

I rush for two nights , due to teacher say i have to work more in workmanship ,

so this time , i did my structure early , and is neater than the previous structure i have .

Basically , i did two similar form , but just little a little different on who i arrange the form .

Materials used : art cards , spray paint , and three second glue .

This is how the light and wire inside the structure .

Lastly , we are needed to present our model , our structure .

We are need to present our structure in a a2 size mounting board . Putiing facts , putting a lot of information onto the board , drawings should be more than words .

Well , when I'm done my structure , i was a little worried of my electrical circuit because is not working well . It was already midnight , and I'm still on my structure , was super worried and stressful of how will my A2 size presentation board turns out .

It was pretty let , i do not have time to nap or even sleep , but i guess this is how designer will live with this .

Although i still rushing my structure ,i couldn't rush the structure because if i rush them , my structure will gone really messy .

So , time are so important to me . Every hour equals to every minute to me . Finally get o do my A2 size board , well , before i do , i did slots of research on how presentation board should be look like , and also how presentation board should be organise . Well m, drawings suppose to speak for your work . So i by step by step , like how i transform the structure from base model to step 1. And now its totally different form from base model .

Pretty proud of it of the progress i have .

To enlarge the photo , please press onto the picture . Press the arrow to view the next photo.

To wrap up my blog , well , what can id o better was "time " .

I do not have enough time , i should have arrange my time better next time.

Besides that , i think my workmanship should improved , i should learn how to cut neatly , and also learn who to stick the nicely , so it doesnt leave the glue stain .

I had a lots of fun in this project , and i have understand what silent crit does , what and how our presentation work .

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