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Wassily chair

We are assign into groups of 5 , and we are all assign with a designer chair . What we needed to complete are to research about the chair , the history , the designer who design the chair , the facts and etc.

This is the original picture of the wassily chair .

So we gather out information about the chair all together , and we started to draw those facts , pictures and information down onto the mahjong paper . Lecturer told us we should be drawing more than writing . Well this is our group mahjong paper full of the facts and information .

Theres are some confusion between the facet and infer at ion , because there are some website stated that the bicycle he inspire was his , but some of the website stated that is one of his friend bicycle name wassily kadinsky .

From the mahjong paper , i am proud of the neatness and w did group the information nicely . We had a teamworks . everyone did really well , we did separate our job equally , so there none of us get left out .

But for the facet and information , we can improve them by researching more about it . I believe most of the people would love to know how he inspire the idea from , or the history of the chair . History is always the key to make people get intrested with .

Well one of out group mates did the measurement with auto cad , it was pretty confusion looking him doing those measurement,

We had a small presentation about our the chair , and we separate each parts to every each of us.

We introduce about our chair, and the lecturers commented that we should put more interesting facts .

After having a small presentation , we are told to continue our project , build the chair out of any materials .

It has to be the same measurement , using any scale that suits the model .

.So for our chair , we used 1:100 scale.

In this model making , the material we use are sugar paper , straw , and stripes of a4 paper . We was suppose to use leather for the seats, so it will looks like the sassily chair , but due to we are using straw instead , we decide dot use sugar paper instead . Straw aren't stable ,we had to put in rolls of paper into the straw , to make it stablelise .

Overall , we had fun making this model , it was fun communicate with different kind of people, learning a new thing from them .

This is the outcome of the chair we made :

To wrap it up , I'm proud of what we made , I'm rpud of to be in this group , well , learning different experience and new things from them . Great opportunity to share out of our idea .

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