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Fine arts

What is fine arts , i used to earn them during my semester 1.

So basically what is fine arts ?

a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aestheticpurposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness, specifically,painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, and architecture.


The term "fine art" refers to an art form practised mainly for its aesthetic value and its beauty ("art for art's sake") rather than its functional value. Fine art is rooted in drawing and design-based works such as painting, printmaking, and sculpture. It is often contrasted with "applied art" and "crafts" which are both traditionally seen as utilitarian activities. Other non-design-based activities regarded as fine arts, include photography and architecture, although the latter is best understood as an applied art.

Vincent van gogh art piece

There are some famous fine arts artist .

Leornardo Da Vinci

Leornardo da vinci is one fo the famous artist in fine arts .

He has the most famous art piece name mona lisa .

Well although I'm interested in fine arts , but i wish one day ill be as famous as leronardo da vinci .

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