Entertainment arts
What is ' entertainment arts " ? To me , the meaning of it is means that arts or smog brings you happy . Im not sure till today did i guess it correctly . Today , we are going to look for answers .
What's a real meaning behind entertainment arts ?
What are this benefit to the human ?
Are they really important in our daily life ?
We will find out.
Well according to the university of entertainment art , they have the courses for student who wish to study entrainment of arts .
They usually get to study related to " animation " ,
game ,digital film .
Entertainment of arts is a video games , animation movies , such as wall e .

lets talk about " animation first "
Animation introduces you to the art of sequential storytelling and utilizes stop-motion, material-based and computer-generated (CG) imagery techniques.

Secondly , we will be introducing about " game " , I'm pretty sure , when you heard of game , most of the child are fill up with excitement . Because we are living in a full of technology world .
So , game? Whats all about ?
Game teaches you how to produce 2-D and 3-D images and concepts for games.

Pretty intresting huh .
Lastly . is digital film .
Digital Film can help you learn how to use film as an exploratory and expressive medium through narrative, experimental and documentary forms.
So does entertainment brings us happy ? Yes it does , to me it gives us relaxation , is a good partner when we are stressing out . Tv is my BFF .
Besides that , entertainment helps children to build in creative , such as those animation of movies , children are able to imagine and create more imagination . I believe most of the children are curious about animation , they are curious how can they fly , doing some humans that are not able , possible to do . They are curious that does human look like the character form the movies ? I think entertainment of arts brings out the benefit to the chidden , to the everyone , they creates the childhood memories , creates memories between us and family .
We are able to know everything has their own benefit and their risk of doing it .
For video games , Dutch researchers suggest that not only do the newer video games provide young people with compelling social, cognitive, and emotional experiences, they also can potentially boost mental health and well-being.
For the risk of it , video games can be violent , they can be a drug of a teen , they will stop concentrating on their studies beside gaming . Gaming can be dangerous . So , work well with it , knows its pros and cons .
Have a great day !