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Venus De Milo

Venus De Milo is a sculpture , one of the famous greek sculpture . Well as you can see from the picture that , the sculpture is armless. Why is the sculpture arlmess ? After researching the information about the armless sculpture , i found a answer . They claims they were broken off in 1820 during a fight on the shore of Melos, as French and Turkish sailors vied for possession of the artwork.

Which means these sculpture had been built in a long time .

The statue is made from Parian marble and stands some 6 feet 8 inches tall, without its plinth. It is thought to portray Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of physical love and beauty. (The Roman equivalent is the goddess Venus.)

The sculpture is was found in a field by a young farmer called Yorgos Kentrotas, buried in a wall niche within the ruins of the ancient city of Milos. When found the sculpture , the torso and legs are covered in drapery .

Not long after , the sculpture was send to France , this is what i found : "The farmer was assisted in his recovery of the statue by Olivier Voutier, a French naval officer from the French fleet anchored nearby. As news spread of the find, a second French officer, Jules Dumont d'Urville, notified the French Consul to the Ottoman Empire in Constantinople Charles-Francois de Riffardeau, Marquis de Riviere. He in turn arranged for the statue to be shipped to France, where it was presented as a gift to Louis XVIII, who duly donated it to the Louvre."

Venus De milo is kept in The Louvre , Paris . Until nowadays , the sculpture are kept in the museum , still in a good condition .

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