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Who Am I?


"Something is not right , Who am i ? Limitation in the art school ? i can't take it anymore , why do they have to force me . Whats wrong with my art ?"

There's so many questions around her. But no one could help her , no one answer her questions . She's been bullied , having hard time in her life . Lovving two person in a same time ? Is that possible ? A boy name Carter , and a her classmates name Deborah . Who will she choose ?

"They force me , they pressure me ." Im suspended . Tell me whats wrong with my arts . Why can't i do what i want . ARTS IS ALL ABOUT FREEDOM .

Why can't i be normal ? who am i ?

She was suspended , there might be no more arts in her life , no more drawing at all anymore .

What do you think ? How can she survive from all the things happen around her ? will she give up on arts ?


Drawing is my passion , Im the only person in my family who is different , i dress differently . My sister and brothers , they are professional , so are my parents . Since young , i love to draw , I'm inspired by leornando da vinci , i always dream about what if i could be like him one day . But my parents does not support on what i want to be , i don't think thats wrong being an artist , my mom tore my drawings away , but the more drawing my mom tore away , the more drawing i produce . My best friend always be there for me , he always tried to help to convince my parents , his name carter , he love to draw as well , we have the same interest , we were best friends since young ,we played since young .

My parents got so tired of me , theres lots of times i try to convince my parents send me to art school tired . After a long period of convincing them , they finally allow me to go a art school ,

They chose this art school , where i real hate it , in this art school they follow the country rules , which we have to obey them , but I love to draw body figures, i love to draw weird things , monsters .

I dress really different from other people , people try to look at me diffrenlt , they treated me so differently , they laugh on what i do , they talk about me , try to making fun of what i wear .But theres a girl name "deborah " . Well . she's a nice girl, although everyone try to make fun of what id do , she treated me like a friend , she tries to help me , tries to introduce me to her friends . I started to like her , started to have feeling towards her , i don't know what I'm feeling about . But i really like her , but i like carter as well , we play since young . I don't know what I'm thinking , why am i like this, why am i born like this , why ?Who am i ? is it possible to like two person in a time ? Am i a weirdo ? I kept thinking about this , am i giving a wrong feeling . I just don't know what to do aanymore , will it be the best choice if i stop hanging around with them ? i just can't choose one of them . So i made my mind , i chose carter . I told carter about the problems , i told carter that i fall for deborah . He slowly thinks I'm weird too , he slowly left me , he doesnt want to hang out with me anymore , because i like a girl . He's my best friend , and he treated me in this way , whats wrong with falling in love with a girl . Why does he have to treat me like this .

From that moment onwards , i doesnt believe in love anymore , is all lies , I tried to stay away from them . Deboarh started to freak out and asked what happen , i just told her to stay away . I don't want to get hurt anymore , i don't want to get betray anymore .

On morning , i realised i dropped by sketchbook , and it was passed on to the principal office . i was called into the office .

Teachers try to counsels me , told me to was wrong drawing pictures like that . In my country, drawing body figure , people kissing , and weird drawings are not allow . We will get judge by people if we did not follow the rules of art in my country , and also when we get into a serious condition of drawing politics and kissing , we will get punishment . But i do not understand why couldn't we have our own freedom ? Art is about freedom , i don't see drawing body figure is a problem . I'm just enhancing the bueaty of a human , i don't see kissing is a problem , I'm just enjoying the beauty of love . Whats wrong ? I don't see theres wrong , why can't we draw what we like ? why can't we develop from what we like ? I can't do anything about it , I'm only good at drawing body figure . Who Am i ? why's theres many limitation ? why i can't be normal person just like others , who am i ? who are they to judge me ? who ? I just want to be a great artist , i does not want to be a normal artist who only draw objects and normal things .

Teachers suspended me from school , they told me i do not suit the school because of what i draw , they told me I'm violence on what i draw . Deborah tried to convince teacher , but the teacher did not care . I was sent to the education centre , they told me i have problem,told me that i need a doctor .

Nothing saved me , I was punished . i was sent to a centre for 6 months , i was bullied . I tried to escape , but no one help me . I was bullied because I'm weird , because i draw politics , body figure , people there thinks I'm disgusting .

At that moment , i was so lifeless, i don't know what can i do anymore , i just don understand what wrong on drawing what i like . Suddenly , everything flashback on my mind , from the start where i convince so hard my parents to send me to art school, where i start my art journey , and i gave up suddenly in this moment . Thats really wasteful . so i started draw more and more , i explore more about arts . My arts attracts a women , Mrs sherrafeld , she's always come to the centre to help us out , taught us how to draw, we did lots of activities in the centre .she say my arts are really special , theres always a message in every artwork i draw . she asked if i wants to follow he to taw an , where she could help me out there , she had the same experience as me.

After getting out from the punishment centre , i followed mrs sherrafeld to taw an , where a place like arts , a freedom for me . Im lucky , i met mrs sherrafeld.

i did not regret on what i did, i did not give up .I insist of doing what i love. I'm so lucky , lucky that i did not give up easily. My arts are all about body figure , politics and people are getting intrested about it . They started to enjoy the arts of body figure , finally someone understand what I'm drawing for the past few years .


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