Introduction of Photography
On 22nd of september 2016 , we had our first class about photography . Lecturer Martin
explain to us whats photography about . We were given an assignment after he briefed us
about the module. He assign us to do five pieces of black and white close up photograph.
Besides that , he also assign us to write a small article about what we had learned
earlier before the class , the chroma 256 colour project .
First Photo : "The colour shades of the leaves ."
Try to compare the shades between left and right on the leaf . The left side of the leaf has a darker shades compare to the right side of the leaf , the veins are obvious after i fltered into black colour.
Second Photo :" Lady finger dip into liquid"
A kind of vegetable , ladyfinger dip into a cloudy water . By looking at the picture , the light shines from the right .
Third Photo : "Unknown colour of the cake"
Try to guess what's the colour of the cake , the cake was in green before i filtered into black .
Four Photo : "Scary black cloud"
Black or grey cloud? Try to guess the colour of the clpud in the original picture . The cloud contains a little black between the cloud.
Fifth Photo ; "Unknown object"
Guess what's this object . This object has its own obvious cracks and veins .