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Chroma 256 colour project

Chroma 256 : International colour project .

September 23, 2016


Yap Pei Mun

On 21nd of september , Chroma 256 colour project starts an exhibition in coda gallery, in Taylor universities .What's Chroma 256? Have you ever wondered what's about it ?

Well let me explain to you what it is , Chroma 256 is an international colour project , its an big artwork , fill up with squares of different printed colour paper. This project is manages by USC Lecturer Kevin Todd. Its an collaboration of research into colours .This big project involved eight universities around the world , etc: University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. Srishti School of Art Design and Technology, Bangalore, India. Millersville University, Pennsylvania, United States. Stuttgart Media University, Germany. Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey. The University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. Tongji University, Shanghai, China.So how does this project work ? It would be three large grids (each with 64 colour squares) for each institution/country; one created by children, one by design students and one by elderly people.

We are appreciated hat chroma 256 project shows an exhibition in our university . Well , on 22nd of september ,t Lecturer Kevin Todd gave us an lecture , a talk about Chroma 256 project .

Lecturer Kevin Todd said that this exhibition , chroma 256 is to aimed awareness of the complexity of the peoples and the use of colour . He also mention that digital technology could be creating a cultural space that requires a particular kind of conformity and limiting us in terms of the use of colour. Besides that , he told us that colours is a primary part of human communication and can be signify , can be expresser suppress emotions ,status , sexuality etc .

Chroma 256 colour project evolve to explore relationship to colours in an international setting : part culture ,research , and each of everyone's expression.

He asked us why some of the colours are in darker shades ? He said because colours get darker and deeper when people get older . So basically it according to people age. Not only that , he gave us an an explain in each of the art piece according to the country , he said that India is an colourful place , so the art piece is full in rich colour . Well as for Germany , Germany is more to orange , yellow and red .

Each of the colour art piece has its own keywords , how does those keywords came from ? Children from their own country gave eight to ten keywords .

For example , in Australia , "god" and "fitness" , in China , "Design" and also for India , they chose "Pain" . Each art piece and the keywords on the art piece express their feelings .

To wrap it up , he explain to us that each of the words has it own colour, let me give an example : for "Love " , it is more to pink tone . For "Home " , it is more to brown . "Nature " , more to green . "Memory ", more to blue and grey , and for "Pain " more to black tone .

From the talk that lecturer Kevin Todd gave us ,I've learned a lot . I've learned about how can colour help us to express , like a word " pain" are more to a black tone . Which is India , they chose "pain" as their keyword . Besides that , I've learned about how colour helps us to communicate to each and other .

Im honoured that lecturer Kevin Todd gave us a talk about the project .

For more information about Chroma 256 colour project , you can click the link below.

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